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Original Caps Proposal

I see myself gaining time management, responsibility, and public speaking skills. I also see a way to do something productive in the second half of my senior year and to learn more about myself.


Adrenaline- The addiction: researching why adrenaline is such a driving force in decision making through scientific experiments, interviews and attempting adrenaline driving activities.


I'm extremely interested in this topic because for the past two years I have wanted to push myself to the limits in order to live a more exciting and fulfilling lifestyle. I do not enjoy the daily routines of school or a 9-5 job, and I want to take this opportunity to explore my interest without having the daily commitment of school. In the past I have gone cliff jumping, surfing, and deep sea snorkeling.


Paper: research on adrenaline and how it affects different people. Also survey those who have turned adrenaline inducing activities into a career.

Project: travel around the country participating in researched adrenaline inducing activities, learning how these activities affect me.


Outside of the class, I will turn to friends at home, friends around the country, those who have or are trying to make a career out of adrenaline activities, family members, and anyone else who is willing to help me complete this project.


The primary challenge will be affording travel costs around the country, including gas and food. I believe I can complete the project as long as I can afford it.


The tangible product of my work will be a film created by me of my interviews and adventures of adrenaline activities revealing how I have changed.


This entire research product is stepping out of comfort zone by leaving my daily routine and pushing my body to the limits. I will also be reaching out to people I have never met, which I have never done before.

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