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Why do some people crave the rush of adrenaline while others do not?

Anchor 1




  1. A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion.



My name is Jon Hammer, and I am a senior at Newton North High School. I am a part of the Caps-Research program, and I will be researching adrenaline. My interest in adrenaline began when I was in in middle school, and found that I loved taking risks. I loved the way my heart beat would fly out of my chest, the sensation of my stomach dropping to the floor, but most of all, I craved to live outside of the norm. I currently take risks and step outside of my comfort zone whenever possible, however my busy schedule limits how many activities I can take part in. This Caps project will allow me to not only research adrenaline, but also allow me to take part in thrilling activities. You can follow me along this journey through this website, which will be updated weekly. 

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